Wednesday 8 December 2010


Sometimes I wish I could just marry a gay guy, for the reasons listed below.

- His brain wouldn't revolve around anything even vaguely sexual while with me, because he wouldn't find my gender attractive. Therefore, we'd be able to have adult conversations instead of ones lead by innuendos and other crap.

- He'd be able to give me decent fashion advice, and he wouldn't mind going on long trips around the shopping malls with me. I wouldn't get an aching ear from him moaning about wanting food every five seconds, or him being insanely bored.

- There'd be less arguments, because seeing as he has a different view on things, he'd appreciate that I'm a girl and understand me more. He'd know how to treat me properly, and wouldn't permanently moan about other girls to make me jealous.

- We could discuss hot guys together, seeing as we'd both fancy that gender.

- He'd be sensitive, and pick up on the small things like my best friends do...such as how I bite my lip when I'm anxious, how I twirl the ring on my right hand when I'm daydreaming, and how the things I doodle on myself tend to reflect my emotions.

- Instead of accepting the usual 'I'm fine' bullshit, he'd press on until he found out what had upset me. Then, he'd comfort me and give me good advice on how to deal with it.

- Instead of having just guy friends, he'd have a lot of female friends too. That would mean I wouldn't get oggled, felt up and flirted with all the time we hung out with his mates.

- Not everything would be about SEX, SEX, SEX, because he would have bypassed the typical teenage-boy 'sex obsession' stage. He'd be mature and respectful.

Rant over.

K x

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