Monday 6 December 2010

I Am Unique

You say you see me for what I am,
But you really don’t.
Glittering orbs always evaluating, re-evaluating
Trying to see me your way.
Trying to meld me into a perfect cast,
Melt me down
See right through to my core when I turn transparent from the heat
Of your gaze.

Brush your fingers along pale white skin,
Fragile and so weak
Against the elements.
Make it feel like white hot flames flick their tongues,
And my skin burns like dry parchment.
Memories and words turned to ashes
And dust
In an instant.

The tears that I won’t let flow,
Can’t let flow,
I can feel them screaming to come out.
Scraping tiny nails down the insides of my eyelids,
Small voices in my head choking out meaningless words.
Phrases. Complaints.

Fold me in a crushing embrace.
Chill my heart, pour fear down my throat,
Punish me.
Grind my bones to dust, or polish them into buttons
And place them upon the shelf where you keep the rest.
The others.
The ones that not even you could claim.

I shall be one of those,
Another distinct entity that wouldn’t conform.
One who wouldn’t bow down.
Beauty is a sham,
A meaningless scheme.
Cloned exteriors hiding unique interiors.

Take your precious time when you polish me,
I know you will.
Turn me into something uniform, gleaming, a poster child for perfection.
But remember one thing,
One thing only. One annoying little detail.

Defiance is the eternal flame that I shall burn in,
When you set me on fire.


Another of my poems, written a while ago. This is probably my favourite out of all the poems I've written so far. 

K x

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