Thursday 16 December 2010

Sexy Skullcandy

Me wants a pair of sexy Skullcandy headphones. Here are some links to a few of the pairs I've been looking at... haven't quite made a decision yet.

I'm totally in love.

Oh, and for my brother... I think these would be suitable, ahahaha.

He's after a pair too, for gaming. He's a spoilt little git; he has a 32" flatscreen in his room, PS3, leather gaming chair (y'know, one of them groovy things which acts like a really comfortable boom-box... when he's got it turned right up with the vibration and all the effects and shit turned on, I can hear it from the bottom of my nextdoor neighbours garden... which is pretty epic), and another separate TV which he watches normal DVDs on (he only watches Blue-ray on his PS3 for some reason). Also, he wants the Wii moving into his room because it'd get more use.

Spoilt kiddie much? He also sold his 16GB iPod Touch to my mum in return for her buying him the brand new  version for christmas, the one with the camera and all that jazz. Pfft, I'm sticking to my sexy first gen one... 32GB of awesomeness, ohhhh yeah baby. Means I can shove all the crap I want on it, and it's not even a quarter full. Mwahahaha. When I get my Skullcandy headphones & combine them with the awesomeness of my iPod, I shall rule the world. ;)

Peace out dude, or rock out... whichever you prefer.

K x

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