Sunday 12 December 2010

Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)

Dear S,
            God, there's so much I could say. You mean the whole world to me and more, even though more often than not you're a little shit and you drag me right through the dirt with you. I guess that's what I get though, for being your big sister, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
   Sure, we fight tooth and nail sometimes. But other times, when it seems like everybody is against us and we've only got each other to help us keep strong, we pull together and I know I can count on you any time to help me out in a sticky situation.
   I've got so many good memories of me and you when we were little, honestly. We did some stupid stuff, haha. I remember you thinking you were grown up and clever swimming out of your depth at Perranporth, and then as soon as you realised the waves were too big for you and you couldn't touch the floor you were yelling at me to pull you out. Or that time when you got your legs stuck in seaweed and I had to yank you out of the water then as well, god we god some funny looks. I also remember you smashing my sandcastle on the same day and me chasing you round with a plastic shovel thing, with random kids staring at us. Good times, haha.
   I also remember the time when it was me, you, and L (one of my best friends), playing in Grandad's garden. We snook around the side, behind the hedge, then skidded right down that steep bank through the birch trees... Of course, you tumbled into a fat ass patch of nettles and I sliced my arm open on a tree rushing down to get you out, and the only thing L got was a dirty butt. Typical, haha.
   I guess you've always been there for me, and I hope we always stay close and don't drift away. You're gonna do well in whatever you chose to do, I can tell.
   Don't be a little shit this Christmas, and PLEASE leave the dog outside. Ta! ;)
   Love, K x

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