Wednesday 15 December 2010

Day 6 — A stranger

I'm a day behind on these at the moment since I'm ill, so I'm going to do both yesterdays and todays.

Dear Stranger,
                      Since you don't know me, I figure I can say whatever I want and since I'll never come face to face with you, I'll never have to explain anything. For this, I am thankful.
   I like the way my pill bottle snaps when I click it closed. It's final, decisive, crisp and firm. I wish more things were like this in life, such as the decisions people make. You can't just snap a decision closed; you have to ponder over it, then slowly close it... and then most often open it again and rearrange the way you closed it.
   The smell of freshly printed pages when you open a new textbook. I figure there should be more smells like that, because it's one of the best smells in the world. It's the smell of newness, fresh and crisp from the press.
   What do you think angels wings would smell like? I think they'd smell of fresh snow, rain, cut grass and sunshine. People say you can't smell sunshine, but you can. You can smell it on your skin after being out in it for a while, in your hair and on your clothes.
   Angels wings... What would they smell like? That's a nice thought, one you could consider for hours. I like things like that; questions you can think about for ages before you come to an answer. Not frustrating questions, but interesting ones that you need to take your time over.
   If there is a heaven, and if there is angels, I'd like to fly with them.
   That'd be amazing.
   Yours Sincerely,
   K x

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