Monday 20 December 2010

Insomnia (oh, and stupid temperatures!)

I think I may be a victim of it. I get tired only during the middle of the day when I shouldn't possibly want to go to sleep, and at night I don't get tired until one or two am in the morning. It's a complete and utter pain in the arse.

Another thing that's a pain in the arse is all the snow and cold weather. Sure, it's beautiful and the sky turns the most amazing colours at dawn and sunset because it's so clear... but when you can't get hot water because the pipes have frozen it takes the piss. It was -14 degrees Celsius the other day; the coldest temperature I remember it being here since... well, since nothing. It's the coldest ever.  I got into the car just before and it told us that it was -9 outside, cold enough that I had frost in my hair.

Also, I don't have ANY long sleeved tops. At all.

I guess this is unbelievable since I live in England and it's always pissing it down, but seriously; I don't own a single long sleeved t-shit. Just strappy ones. You're lucky if you manage to find a short sleeved one in my wardrobe, to be honest.

Am I immune to the cold? Haha, I bloody wish. The reason I don't have any long tops is because I ruck up with hoodies and shit, and I only bother with my designer or smart stuff if I'm going out. I live in the country; nine times out of ten, you step out of your front door and you're already gonna be shit high. I live next to a farm, for christs sake.

I wouldn't change it though. Even the manure smell when they spray the fields (ick), or when they cut the grass  and everyone gets hay fever (manage to avoid it myself more often than not). I'm literally surrounded by fields.

Still. It's the most beautiful place to live...apart from the retarded neighbours and their fat ass coach that they insist on parking on their front drive, of course. But everyday, I can just look out my lounge window and see a gigantic oak across the road which I love to bits, and the huge fields spread out behind it, and in the far distance Kelsall hill, dotted with houses and thick with forests. From my bedroom window; more fields, the barn where the local farmer shoves all his hay, and to the right, the edges of a forest with the Tarvin church tower peaking just above the trees.

I guess every time I look out my window I think about my future. I want to live in all sorts of different places, try them all out; in a city, in a beach house, etc etc. But I guess I'll always be a country girl at heart, because this is where I was born and raised. It's kind of inevitable that I'm going to come back and buy a house out here eventually for myself, even though the prices are way beyond a bitch. But, my motto is now; 'You don't apply, you don't achieve.' It's lyrics from Im'ma shine, a song from Step Up. Cheesy it may be, but it's the damn right truth. And I've always applied myself, always. So... here's to hoping I'll achieve.

K x

P.s; personal reminder; NEW YEARS REVOLUTIONS! ;)

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