Monday 20 December 2010

Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to

A day late, I know. I apologise.

Dear A,
            You and me were best friends all the way through primary, even when you moved to Madrid and then back again, only to move to London soon after. You have my greatest condolences for the recent death of your father... I can't imagine the pain you and the rest of your family must be going through. I know you're strong though, and fiery. You've got the spirit to make it through this, and there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Trust me, there is.
   You taught me to stick up for myself, and you certainly opened up the adventurous streak in me. The amount of times we snuck under wire fences into the field next to your house is unthinkable. We'd get caught once or twice, but your mum never told us off. I always thought your mum was perhaps one of the most kind-hearted people I'd ever met, and my mum was real good friends with her.
   I hope we bump into each other some day, get talking again. God knows, me and my two best friends are going on a long road trip... there's fine chance of it happening. We just want to be free I guess, and a road-trip would be a brilliant way to do that. Of course, I'm in the middle of persuading them that we should also go do one in America. God, I love it there. The people are brilliant.
   But anyway, freedom... we just want to shake loose, I guess. Drink cheap beer, sleep on the beach, act like teenagers for once in our lives. There's too many rules, too many restrictions... Sometimes I just feel like saying; 'Y'know what, fuck you. We aren't all going grey. I aint ready to settle down until I'm at least 25, so get lost. If I want to kiss a few guys, I'll go for it. Messy relationships are the teenage trademark, right? I'll also get my belly pierced, my hair dyed pink and go around wearing just a god damn bikini.You wanna judge me, go for it, and if you want to call me dumb, do that as well. I'll just throw my report card in your face and smirk. I'm a teenager; I'm going to act like one.'
   I hope you're still the same as you used to be. Don't ever change.
   K x

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