Thursday 23 December 2010


AHHHHH. Lack of concentration because it's CHRISTMAS EVE EVE. No, I'm not a retard - I did mean to type 'EVE' twice, haha. BOOYAAH.

Festivities start tomorrow. Got shit all else to do, so I'll outline what's going down for y'all.

Christmas Eve (Tomorrow) - Mum, G (her new dude), Me & Titwank (a.k.a my little brother) all shuffle our asses up to Nanna & Grandad's, where we're going to over until the day after Boxing Day. As usual, Mum & Nanna will be rushing around like headless chickens in the kitchen cooking the turkey, gammon, beef & quorn-thingy (for me). Yes, they really do cook that much. Yes, it is AWESOME. Well, it would be if I wasn't pescatarian this time round. Haaaaa. But anyway, they do a shit load of cooking.. even before Christmas day. They do all the meats the day before so that they can go cold and be carved much easier, then warmed through again. It is a very ninja process, yes? ;)

ANYWAYS. While their all doing that, the guys turn into sloths and slum around in the living room, drinking beer and hogging the wide-screen, occasionally venturing out to scav food from the kitchen. And me? Erm. I just mingle with both groups, haaaa. G has an iPad though, so might spend more time in the living room whining to have a go on it. Rawrrrrrrr.

Christmas Day - Me and my bro are going to be sleeping in the lounge, so I'm guessing we'll get dragged off the sofas whenever everyone else arises from the land of the dead. Everyone exchanges presents, usually me and my bro get perved on while we open all ours (takes quite a while usually) and they all wait. Then we watch all the adults open all theirs, etc etc. Then Mum and Nanna scramble around in the kitchen again, preparing HUGE amounts of food (really, they cook enough to feed a bloody army. Not that anyone complains.) and I usually go help them or start using/playing/messing with my presents! :3

Awesomeness. Uhhh, once again, the guys slump out. They walk the dogs, etc etc. This time there's going to be 4 dogs there; 3 Labrador's and 1 Jack Russell. Yes, I said 3 Labrador's. It shall be hell, filled with lot's of hair, wagging tails, and slobber. Hahaha. Two of the labs are G's; Beau & Scooby, one is mine; Winston. Scooby & Winston are chocolate labs, Beau is black. The Jack Russell is my Nan's and Grandad's, and she's named Belle.

They may be the most epic group of doggies on the planet. Honest. The coolest thing is when you say; 'Do you love me, Scooby?' to Scoob, and guess what.. HE BARKS. It's the most frickin' awesome thing ever. G trained both Beau & Scooby, and they're ninjas. They can do loads of funky shit. Winston is well trained all right, but with an attitude. He disobeys everyone except me and Mum, haha.

ANYWAY. Ranting. Erm, where was I...

AHHH, yes. CHRISTMAS DAY. Basically we all pig out at lunch, pig out again at tea, and chat/play games/watch movies/give more presents inbetween.

Then it's sleepy time again annnddddddd then it's....


My Aunt & Uncle come down on Boxing Day, and there is more present giving etc etc. We have another huge meal at lunch, and then sometimes we order Chinese for tea or eat left-overs again. Everyone drinks alcohol (including me and my bro this year; mum's letting us) and everyone gets a tad tipsy. Or, on the odd (and very fucking funny) occasion, pissed. HAHA.

We sleep there again Boxing Day night, and then the day after we piss off back home. Christmas done and dusted for one more year!

It's possibly my favourite celebration. EVER.

Food, gifts & most important of all... family. Everywhere. It's a good thing my Nan has a big house, haha.


Peace out. Might not be able to post for a while, because I'll be enjoying the crazy festivities! See y'alllll!

Koralynnnnn x

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