Saturday 11 December 2010

Day 3 — Your parents

Dear Mutti & Vater,
                               You are THE most amazing parents, ever. I might be biased, but so what. You brought me up good and proper. You are both my role models in life, and always will be. I am eternally thankful for having you guys as my mum and dad.
   No way are you traditional; you swear, you're brutally honest and you both mess around with me and S (my little brother) 24/7. But I think that's the way parents should be; open, friendly and your best friends as well as your parents. Not cold, stern and old-fashioned.
   Because of you guys, I am who I am. You two, more than anyone else in the world (apart from my little brother), are closest to my heart. Nothing will ever change that.
   Also, another thing I should point out is that you guys being the way you are has lead to me having an awesome friendship with my brother. I see other kids, such as one of my best friends, who never even TALK to their siblings because they hate their guts that much. They snitch on each other, bully each other and don't offer any support at all. With me and S though, it's different. We've always got each others backs, and if anyone messes with the other one it's WW3. I could walk into any fight with him at my back and be confident he wouldn't give up on me, or walk away. I don't give a shit who it is, if they mess with him they've always got me to deal with, and vice versa. We also stand up for each others friends as well, and I know both of my best friends would get their hands dirty for you, little bro. You're a badass brother.
   Thanks for giving me everything I've ever asked for, guys, and thanks for all the advice. Thanks for the shoulders to cry on, the gorgeous house we live in, and the support I need to do my very best. You're truly inspirational people, and every achievement I get is for you. I hope I do you proud.
   I love you both from the bottom of my heart,
   K x

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