Thursday 14 October 2010

Rhyl Trip Pictures

So, I was just rooting through the picures I took in Rhyl for a Geography project... and I decided what the hell, I might aswell shove them up here. Something to look at anyway. This one is a random hotel that's practically crumbling down, haha. Notice all the safety warnings and shizzle? Me and my friends thought this building was especially amusing. Sorry if this is someone's property, by the way...

Bit closer to the half-dead-zombified hotel here.

Same house, different bit. I thought the little window was extremely creepy, so I got a little snap of it.

One last shot of the Tramp-House here. The roof is almost all gone in this part of the building. Shame, would have been a pretty building if it wasn't derelict!
Anyway, time to go root around for more random crap to upload. I'm having funnnn! :)
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