Thursday 14 October 2010

book quotes

Okay, so I was going to shove these on a gadget or whatever at the side and be done with it...But I figured I'd have too many, and it'd look ridiculous. I read far too many books, haha. But anyway, I'm bored, so here's some of my favourite ever quotes from some of the books I love hugely.

Night Huntress Series...
"Wrong way, Bones. The men's showers are in the opposite direction."
"I'll file that away with all the other information that doesn't pertain to me" was Bones' mocking reply.
- Cat & Bones.

"I think we need to have a little talk, woman to skank."
- Cat.

"I am going to knock the slut out of you. And that should take some doing, you uppity English tramp!"
- Cat.

"Get stuffed, don't you have more publicity stunts to pull?" Bones shot back. "How about chatting with another writer who can smear your name into greater popularity?"
"What, did Anne Rice not return your calls, mate?" Vlad asked scathingly. "Jealousy is such an ugly trait."
- Bones & Vlad.


House of Night Series...
“I’m Zoey Redbird, currently the undisputed Queen of Making My Friends Pissed Land.”
- Zoey

"You're slower than a fat kid on crutches!" - Aphrodite

She turned her face to me. "Can you tell I've been crying?"
"For the gazillionth time, no. You look fine."
"Shit. I knew it. I look terrible."
"Aphrodite! I just said you look fine."
"Yeah, well, fine is fine for most people. For me it's terrible."
- Aphrodite & Zoey

"As your girlfriend, you've just pissed me off. As your High Priestess, you've just insulted me. And as someone with a working brain, you've made me wonder if you've lost every bit of your sense."
- Zoey

"Actually, since I'm gay I think I should count for two guys instead of just one. I mean, in me you get the male point of view and you don't have to worry about me wanting to touch your boobies."
- Damien

"Zo, I'm not a damn pussy!"
Erik, looking very tall and full-grown, kick-your-butt vampyre-like, snorted sarcastically and then said,"No, you're a damn human. Wait, that does make you a pussy!"
- Heath & Erik

"If I shot an arrow and thought about an ass, would it surprise you that I hit Erik?" Stark asked me in a pleasant, nonchalant voice.
- Stark

"He's not the brightest crayola in the pack."
- Aphrodite


Maximum Ride Series...

"Man, You weigh a freaking ton! What have you been eating, rocks?"
"Why, is your head missing some?"
- Fang & Max

"Max: "What I said yesterday didn't mean anything! I love everyone in the flock! Plus, it was the Valium talking!"
Fang: "Uh-huh. You just keep telling yourself that. You looove me."
Max: *tries to punch him*
Fang: "Pick a tree. I'll go carve our initials in it."
Max: *screams and runs into bathroom*
- Fang & Max

"Here's a freebie: Don't play poker with a kid who can read minds."
- Max

"You could lock the Gasman in a padded cell with some dental floss and a bowl of Jell-O, and he'd find a way to make something to explode."
- Max


Shiver & Linger (No idea if these books come from a series or not)...

"So, Grace, how's school?" I asked myself.
Dad nodded, eyes on the baby koala now struggling in the guest's arms.
"Oh, it's fine," I continued, and Dad made a mumbling noise of agreement. I added, "Nothing special, aside from the load of pandas they brought in, and the teachers abandoning us to cannibalistic savages-" I paused to see if I'd caught his attention yet, then pressed on. "The whole building caught fire, then I failed drama, and then sex, sex, sex."
Dad's eyes abruptly focused, and he turned to me and frowned. "What did you say they were teaching you in school?"
- Grace and her dad

"Lunch." I said. "Immediately. I'm going to wither away to absolutely nothing. Then you'll be racked with guilt."
"I doubt it."
- Grace & Isabel

"You want to talk? Fine. Talk. Tell me something you've never told anybody else.'
I thought for a moment. 'Turtles have the second-largest brains of any animal on the planet.'
It took Isabel only a second to process this. 'No, they don't.'
'I know, that's why I've never told anybody that before."
- Grace & Isabel

"Aren't you afraid?"
"Of what?"
"Of losing yourself?"
"That's what I'm hoping for."
- Cole & Isabel


The Vampire Academy Series...

"What's up?" I asked.
"You tell me," he (Christian) said. "You were the one about ready to start making out with Adrian."
"It was an experiment," I said. "It was part of my therapy."
"What the hell kind of therapy are you in?"
- Rose & Christian

"She might be wild and disrespectful, but if she has potential-"
"Wild and disrespecful? Who the hell are you anyway? Oursourced help?"
"Guardian Belikov is the princess lissa's guardian now, her sanctioned guardian."
"You got cheap foreign labor to protect Lissa?"
- Rose, Dimitri & Kirova

"Even I make mistakes." I put on my brash, overconfident face. "I know it's hard to believe - kind of surprises me myself - but I guess it has to happen. It's probably some kind of karmic way to balance out the universe. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fair to have one person so full of awesomeness."
- Rose

"Hey Mason, wipe the drool off your face. If you're going to think about me naked, do it on your own time.”[...]
"This is my time, Hathaway. I'm leading today's session.”
"Oh yeah?" I retorted. "Huh. Well, I guess this is a good time to think about me naked, then.”
"It's always a good a time to think about you naked," added someone nearby, breaking the tension further.
- Rose & Mason

"Why did you come here?"
"Because you hit me on the head and dragged me here!"
- Rose & Dimitri


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