Friday 15 October 2010

the blues

Been a bit of a blue day today, and no I'm not on about music or whatever. Well, I guess it was fine up until about five minutes ago, anyway.

The short and short of it is that one of my best friend's has just lost their Grandpa to some serious illness. Now, I'm not a cushy-soft-&-fluffy person, and I'm not gay at all, but I love my friends, and one of them being down brings me down too. I wish I could cheer her up or do something to help, but I guess it's pretty much impossible. She's the sort to shove on loud music and block the whole damn world out, bottle it up and seal it in. I've bottled everything up before now, and it never ends pretty. In fact, for me, it ended pretty damn nasty.

Anyway. Swamping this space with depressing stuff won't help either her or me.

For my mock Art exam, I've been given a project on Portraits. Awesome, right? I think so, anyway. I tried to persuade my little brother to modelling for me (we need to take photographs depicting a subject who is showing some sort of emotion), but the little brat wouldn't do it until I offered to pay him £2.50. Of course, he complained and said 'That's less than what Chinese workers fucking get!', but he agreed in the end thank God. Evil little brat, haha.

A load of my mates were having a discussion today in the canteen about college and shit. Someone who we refer to as 'Ye Wise Old Bush Woman' (because she's always full of useful information and advice) said that she thinks everyone should just ignore what their friends are doing and follow what their hearts are saying. Bit poetic, but I totally agree with her. I did exactly that when I chose what high school I wanted to go to, which was a school completely different to the one all of my close friends went to.

That was without a doubt one of the best decisions I've ever made, though.

Another friend of mine, who is kinda new to our school (she moved from Cyprus only a few months ago) said that we should fuck doing courses just for the sake of getting more money, and that we should choose things we enjoy, otherwise we're going to get shit all out of A-level.

Personally, I think she's another Wise Bush Woman. She's definitely right. I'm a culprit of wanting to chose courses just because of what I think would be best for me, never mind my interests.  Fuckity fuck. It's all so god damn stupid and messed up.

Only got a few more months left in school, then I'll never see most of the retards I've spent the last five years in school with ever again. Totally depressing, even if quite a few of them pissed me off at one time or another.

Whatever. Going to take a look at the prospectus for Sir John Deanes college again (it's where I think I'd like to go), and try to decide what courses I want to do. For the millionth time, haha.

Chillax, dudes.
K x

P.s: Below is a pic of SJD's main building. Snazzy, huh?

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