Sunday 31 October 2010


I guess I've just ripped a hole right through mine and one of my closest friends relationships.. I lied about something, and it's been a few months, and I couldn't handle it any more so I admitted the truth. What's so bad is they took it so well, no shouting, no yelling.. they told me nothing was going to change between us.

I think it might have been easier if they'd actually yelled at me, I definitely deserved it.

No more lies. Just one of them almost killed a relationship that meant a hell of a lot to me, no way am I risking anything else.

I've learned my lesson.

K x

Oh, and I've still not done any revision. Neither has one of my best friends, so I promised her we'd fail together. Going to the cinema with my other best mate tomorrow (neither of these is the person I lied to, he's different) and so.. yeah, should cheer me up. We're going to see vampires suck, ever watched it? Apparently it's funny. Extremely funny.

Also... just been snooping around DeviantArt, looking at all the art there.. there are so many talented people in this word.


There, can I display shit now without mucking up copyright? Haha. It all belongs to amazing artists I found on ... go check it out.

Wednesday 27 October 2010


Rumour has it that One Direction are the sexiest act ever to have performed on the X Factor... LOL JK, have you SEEN Wagner? :D

Yes, as you might have guessed, I'm in another one of my crazy moods..

Sorry about that.

Halfway through half term and yet I still haven't done any revision, but I'm not all that arsed. I'll deal with it when the shit hits the fan later.

I watched the Descent and the Descent: Part Two with my brother the other day... he wouldn't believe me that they are fucking awesome. He soon learned to worship them, haha. It was such an 'I told you so' moment.

Anyway, Chillax.
K x

Sunday 24 October 2010


I had this really weird dream the night before last, and what's weird is that I can actually remember some of it really vividly. Usually I can't remember my dreams at all, or I can only remember tiny fragments of them.

Anyways, it was split into three sections.

I'd love to be able to remember the first two, but it's totally beyond me. Haha, I'll keep thinking on it I guess. The third was about my iPod touch... I dropped it, and it fell really really slowly to the floor. The screen cracked, of course, but so did the actual main body of it. It split into three different sections. Much like my dream, funnily enough. The surface it fell on was tarmac or something, so no surprise that it was damaged beyond repair.

On another note, I'm missing my baby brother a bit at the moment. It's half term, and he's a social magnet, so he sleeps at a different mates house every bloody night. Would be nice to have him home for one night.

Sorry for the strange blog entry, haha. It's just me.

Koralyn x

Saturday 23 October 2010


I'm now a self-certified ninja.

Bow down. Mwahahaha.

K x

Ps: On half term right now, things are pretty hectic. Just going to enjoy myself before all hell breaks loose when school starts again. 

Thursday 21 October 2010


I love that emotion.

I am now officially studying Psychology, Mathematics, English Literature and Biology for my A-levels. It's such a relief to finally have made a definite decision. It actually feels as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

We did an English exam mock (I'm in the top set; we're ahead so we've been entered for the exam in November instead of June) the other day, and I just got my results back. I got a strong B, which is supposed to be really good considering this is the first GCSE English exam paper I've ever done and we're doing it so early. 3 more marks would have gotten me an A, God damnit.

Ah, well. I'll do better in the real thing, and even if I do fail it, I can take it normally as I would have done in June. Plus, my coursework will pull the marks right up.

I made Banana & Chocolate Chip Muffins in food technology today, and well... they taste brilliant. Considering I changed the recipe because I didn't have half the ingredients, I'm well chuffed.

Breaking up for half term tomorrow. School is going so damn fast these days.

K x

Edit: The reason I'm taking Biology on it's own without another science (Chemistry/Physics) is because the courses I am considering when I go to university all accept Maths or Psychology instead. Since Maths is my baby, and Psychology will be awesome, I'm practically raving out about this. Haha. 

Monday 18 October 2010


Ohhh, yess. It's a disease that plagues us all.

It's also why I'm hear five minutes after I last posted, about to write up a Hot Guy List. Mwahaha. I don't really have the free time to do this, but I'm doing it anyway.

Ahh, crap. I'm just going to list the guys I think are hot, then I'll order them sometime in the future. Probably soon, as I get bored a lot. But anyway, THESE AREN'T IN ORDER.

- All the band members of The WANTED.
- Taylor Lautner
- Rick Malambri (You know, the stunning hunk in Step Up 3D?)
- Daniel O'Donoghue (Lead singer of The Script)
- Enrique Iglesias
- Bruno Mars (*faints*)
- Will.I.Am
- Jason Derulo (Yummy)
- Channing Tatum
- Zac Efron (Okay, he was in HSM.. but whatever. He's still eye candy)
- Joe Jonas (Some people will start to shout 'GAYDAR ALERT' but I think he's cute ;))
- Jackson Rathbone (A.k.a Jasper in Twilight)
- Ian Somerhalder
- Paul Wesley

... Ran out of guys, haha, guess I'll have to have a think and come back later.

On a side note, I realise all I've moaned on about so far in this blog is my A levels, book quotes, fit guys and best friend stress. Isn't very interesting, I know, and I apologise. I really want to start using this site as more of a diary, as it's been advised by my teachers to keep diaries while you're in school to look back on later in life or something. Whatever.

So, here's an official welcome for you. Welcome into my crazy life!

My next post will be more along the lines of a diary entry, I promise, haha. Look forward to writing again, hopefully I won't kill somebody with my rambling.

Hug a tree,
K x


I found an extremely random group on Facebook earlier, and me being me, decided to join it for the lolz.

'You were thinking it, I just had the balls to say it.'

Pretty much sums up me, haha.

K x

Sunday 17 October 2010

x factor

OMG. Who else watches X Factor? Personally, I'm a huge fan. Most of my friends don't watch it, but I'm addicted to it this year, haha.

First off, have to say it... Wagner, what the actual eff? Or is it Vagner? I don't know, however you spell it, he's totally and utterly crazy. I mean, who has hair like that this side of the 21st century apart from people who live inside asylums and such? Eesh. I can't help but laugh at him every time he goes on stage though, he's so damn loony.

Cher, I absolutely love you. I'm completely into rap/hip-hop at the moment (self-admitted obsession with Tinie Tempah), so as Cheryl always says; 'You're right up my street!' Haha. Mary Byrne, love you too. You sort of remind me of Su-Bo, being kind of old and having an amazing voice (I hope that came out right?). I really do hope you go far, guys.

But...I guess I can only have one top favourite.

Matt Cardle. 

Jeez. I would marry him on the spot. Seriously. Every time he goes on stage I sit and swoon while he sings (*fans self*), and the two songs he's done so far have by far been better than the rest of the contestants. Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars is actually one of my favourite songs, and I couldn't believe it when he sung it. Woah.

Last note, Katie; get off the stage. Eww. Don't give up your day job, honey.

Slightly happier now I've had a rant about X Factor, 
K x


Ugh, Jesus!

I honestly feel like ripping my hair out, jumping out the window, and going for a mad run outside (while totally naked) screaming my head off. Maybe then I'll be able to let off the tiniest bit of steam.

I've been researching A-levels (yes, AGAIN) and apparently top universities have a blacklist of subjects that they think are 'soft'. This list includes Photography, Art & Design, Drama, Business Studies, Accounting and more.

Guess this knocks Art and Photography off my 'possible subjects' list.

When searching, I couldn't help but scan several different forums to see what students taking a-levels at the moment think about which are the hardest subjects. Chemistry and Maths came up most often, as well as Physics, History, and English Lit.

Physics and History are both subjects that send me to sleep, I love Maths and English Literature and am confident in them so none of these being on the list really bothers me. I relish challenges, after all. But I am fairly weak in Chemistry, and well... Every time I walk into a chem lesson, I just sit there watching my teachers moustache twitching all lesson while day dreaming about Bruno Mars and other hotties. Oh, and gossiping.

To me, Chemistry is a load of shit (excuse my French, and no offence to anyone who bums it). I loathe it, detest it, want to burn my text books on it as soon as I finish my exams. And after all the advice about only taking subjects you generally enjoy, I'm really edging away from it.

One problem though.

I'm going to take Biology, and universities value two sciences instead of just one. So, I'm royally fucked.

If I get an A in Chem for GCSE, I will be bloody lucky. I have to resit a module exam I got a B on soon to guarantee my A. It's a load of bullshit.

Tomorrow (Monday), I'm going to charge right to the connexions office in school and have some quality time with the careers lady-person. Hell, if she can't help sort me out, I'm going to be stuck.

Refined List:

English Literature?
... ... ... Chemistry?

Gawd. I'd go pig out on chocolate, but I'm on a pre-Christmas diet. FML. Time to do some Maths revision, brush up on some stuff and settle my mental craziness.

K x

Saturday 16 October 2010

A-level Madness

Madness, complete and utter craziness. Who invented A-levels? I may have to shoot them.

Anyway, I'm on here to swamp this space with school stuff and stressy thoughts again. Soooo, in alphabetical order (aren't I kind?) here's the subjects I'm considering taking at A-level. Bear in mind I can only choose 4, and they must link together somehow.

- Art & Design
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English Literature
- Geography
- Mathematics (maybe Further Mathematics)
- Photography
- Psychology

Just gonna note down some combos while I'm looking at them all in a list, haha.

- Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics.
- Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, English Lit.
- Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Photography.
- Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Photography.
- English Literature, Psychology, Mathematics, Art & Design.
- English Literature, Psychology, Mathematics, Geography.

Feel a tiny bit better now.

Peace out.
K x

Friday 15 October 2010

the blues

Been a bit of a blue day today, and no I'm not on about music or whatever. Well, I guess it was fine up until about five minutes ago, anyway.

The short and short of it is that one of my best friend's has just lost their Grandpa to some serious illness. Now, I'm not a cushy-soft-&-fluffy person, and I'm not gay at all, but I love my friends, and one of them being down brings me down too. I wish I could cheer her up or do something to help, but I guess it's pretty much impossible. She's the sort to shove on loud music and block the whole damn world out, bottle it up and seal it in. I've bottled everything up before now, and it never ends pretty. In fact, for me, it ended pretty damn nasty.

Anyway. Swamping this space with depressing stuff won't help either her or me.

For my mock Art exam, I've been given a project on Portraits. Awesome, right? I think so, anyway. I tried to persuade my little brother to modelling for me (we need to take photographs depicting a subject who is showing some sort of emotion), but the little brat wouldn't do it until I offered to pay him £2.50. Of course, he complained and said 'That's less than what Chinese workers fucking get!', but he agreed in the end thank God. Evil little brat, haha.

A load of my mates were having a discussion today in the canteen about college and shit. Someone who we refer to as 'Ye Wise Old Bush Woman' (because she's always full of useful information and advice) said that she thinks everyone should just ignore what their friends are doing and follow what their hearts are saying. Bit poetic, but I totally agree with her. I did exactly that when I chose what high school I wanted to go to, which was a school completely different to the one all of my close friends went to.

That was without a doubt one of the best decisions I've ever made, though.

Another friend of mine, who is kinda new to our school (she moved from Cyprus only a few months ago) said that we should fuck doing courses just for the sake of getting more money, and that we should choose things we enjoy, otherwise we're going to get shit all out of A-level.

Personally, I think she's another Wise Bush Woman. She's definitely right. I'm a culprit of wanting to chose courses just because of what I think would be best for me, never mind my interests.  Fuckity fuck. It's all so god damn stupid and messed up.

Only got a few more months left in school, then I'll never see most of the retards I've spent the last five years in school with ever again. Totally depressing, even if quite a few of them pissed me off at one time or another.

Whatever. Going to take a look at the prospectus for Sir John Deanes college again (it's where I think I'd like to go), and try to decide what courses I want to do. For the millionth time, haha.

Chillax, dudes.
K x

P.s: Below is a pic of SJD's main building. Snazzy, huh?

Thursday 14 October 2010

book quotes

Okay, so I was going to shove these on a gadget or whatever at the side and be done with it...But I figured I'd have too many, and it'd look ridiculous. I read far too many books, haha. But anyway, I'm bored, so here's some of my favourite ever quotes from some of the books I love hugely.

Night Huntress Series...
"Wrong way, Bones. The men's showers are in the opposite direction."
"I'll file that away with all the other information that doesn't pertain to me" was Bones' mocking reply.
- Cat & Bones.

"I think we need to have a little talk, woman to skank."
- Cat.

"I am going to knock the slut out of you. And that should take some doing, you uppity English tramp!"
- Cat.

"Get stuffed, don't you have more publicity stunts to pull?" Bones shot back. "How about chatting with another writer who can smear your name into greater popularity?"
"What, did Anne Rice not return your calls, mate?" Vlad asked scathingly. "Jealousy is such an ugly trait."
- Bones & Vlad.


House of Night Series...
“I’m Zoey Redbird, currently the undisputed Queen of Making My Friends Pissed Land.”
- Zoey

"You're slower than a fat kid on crutches!" - Aphrodite

She turned her face to me. "Can you tell I've been crying?"
"For the gazillionth time, no. You look fine."
"Shit. I knew it. I look terrible."
"Aphrodite! I just said you look fine."
"Yeah, well, fine is fine for most people. For me it's terrible."
- Aphrodite & Zoey

"As your girlfriend, you've just pissed me off. As your High Priestess, you've just insulted me. And as someone with a working brain, you've made me wonder if you've lost every bit of your sense."
- Zoey

"Actually, since I'm gay I think I should count for two guys instead of just one. I mean, in me you get the male point of view and you don't have to worry about me wanting to touch your boobies."
- Damien

"Zo, I'm not a damn pussy!"
Erik, looking very tall and full-grown, kick-your-butt vampyre-like, snorted sarcastically and then said,"No, you're a damn human. Wait, that does make you a pussy!"
- Heath & Erik

"If I shot an arrow and thought about an ass, would it surprise you that I hit Erik?" Stark asked me in a pleasant, nonchalant voice.
- Stark

"He's not the brightest crayola in the pack."
- Aphrodite


Maximum Ride Series...

"Man, You weigh a freaking ton! What have you been eating, rocks?"
"Why, is your head missing some?"
- Fang & Max

"Max: "What I said yesterday didn't mean anything! I love everyone in the flock! Plus, it was the Valium talking!"
Fang: "Uh-huh. You just keep telling yourself that. You looove me."
Max: *tries to punch him*
Fang: "Pick a tree. I'll go carve our initials in it."
Max: *screams and runs into bathroom*
- Fang & Max

"Here's a freebie: Don't play poker with a kid who can read minds."
- Max

"You could lock the Gasman in a padded cell with some dental floss and a bowl of Jell-O, and he'd find a way to make something to explode."
- Max


Shiver & Linger (No idea if these books come from a series or not)...

"So, Grace, how's school?" I asked myself.
Dad nodded, eyes on the baby koala now struggling in the guest's arms.
"Oh, it's fine," I continued, and Dad made a mumbling noise of agreement. I added, "Nothing special, aside from the load of pandas they brought in, and the teachers abandoning us to cannibalistic savages-" I paused to see if I'd caught his attention yet, then pressed on. "The whole building caught fire, then I failed drama, and then sex, sex, sex."
Dad's eyes abruptly focused, and he turned to me and frowned. "What did you say they were teaching you in school?"
- Grace and her dad

"Lunch." I said. "Immediately. I'm going to wither away to absolutely nothing. Then you'll be racked with guilt."
"I doubt it."
- Grace & Isabel

"You want to talk? Fine. Talk. Tell me something you've never told anybody else.'
I thought for a moment. 'Turtles have the second-largest brains of any animal on the planet.'
It took Isabel only a second to process this. 'No, they don't.'
'I know, that's why I've never told anybody that before."
- Grace & Isabel

"Aren't you afraid?"
"Of what?"
"Of losing yourself?"
"That's what I'm hoping for."
- Cole & Isabel


The Vampire Academy Series...

"What's up?" I asked.
"You tell me," he (Christian) said. "You were the one about ready to start making out with Adrian."
"It was an experiment," I said. "It was part of my therapy."
"What the hell kind of therapy are you in?"
- Rose & Christian

"She might be wild and disrespectful, but if she has potential-"
"Wild and disrespecful? Who the hell are you anyway? Oursourced help?"
"Guardian Belikov is the princess lissa's guardian now, her sanctioned guardian."
"You got cheap foreign labor to protect Lissa?"
- Rose, Dimitri & Kirova

"Even I make mistakes." I put on my brash, overconfident face. "I know it's hard to believe - kind of surprises me myself - but I guess it has to happen. It's probably some kind of karmic way to balance out the universe. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fair to have one person so full of awesomeness."
- Rose

"Hey Mason, wipe the drool off your face. If you're going to think about me naked, do it on your own time.”[...]
"This is my time, Hathaway. I'm leading today's session.”
"Oh yeah?" I retorted. "Huh. Well, I guess this is a good time to think about me naked, then.”
"It's always a good a time to think about you naked," added someone nearby, breaking the tension further.
- Rose & Mason

"Why did you come here?"
"Because you hit me on the head and dragged me here!"
- Rose & Dimitri


Rhyl Trip Pictures

So, I was just rooting through the picures I took in Rhyl for a Geography project... and I decided what the hell, I might aswell shove them up here. Something to look at anyway. This one is a random hotel that's practically crumbling down, haha. Notice all the safety warnings and shizzle? Me and my friends thought this building was especially amusing. Sorry if this is someone's property, by the way...

Bit closer to the half-dead-zombified hotel here.

Same house, different bit. I thought the little window was extremely creepy, so I got a little snap of it.

One last shot of the Tramp-House here. The roof is almost all gone in this part of the building. Shame, would have been a pretty building if it wasn't derelict!
Anyway, time to go root around for more random crap to upload. I'm having funnnn! :)
Posted by Picasa

kidney dissection :o

Yup, today in biology we all had to dissect kidneys. Oh, the JOY. Dissection in my class of loons is just asking for something to stab themselves with a scalpel or accidentally swallow the thing we're meant to be dissecting. But, thank God, all went reasonably well. Must say, the kidneys stank of pee, which wasn't exactly nice to breath in all lesson.

I'm definitely thinking about taking biology for A-level. Unfortunately though, to get into any science/medical career, you also need chemistry or physics. Since I loathe and detest both of these (well, maybe physics a smidgen more than chem) it's going to be hell. Grrr.

I'd love to do art, but...yeah. That'd be a waste of my 'excellent academic talent' in other areas. I'll just have to shut everyone up by taking Maths, Biology, Chem and Psychology, I guess. I'd just wind up even crazier than I already am though at the end of the damn course.

Anyway, rant over. My gob is zipped on the topic of A-level stuff.

For now.

I've got art tomorrow, last lesson. We're drawing self portraits... mine looks nothing like me though, haha. Last lesson we finished them, and my art teacher is going to photocopy them for us so that we can mess around adding colour and playing with shadows, etc. All arty-farty fun stuff, ehhh?

We break up for the Halloween half term break (otherwise known as piss-up-party-time) next week. This half term has gone so crazily fast, honestly. It's scary how fast my last year is going. I almost want to dig my nails into time and tell it to slow down, God damnit. Guess that's not going to happen anytime soon though, boohoo.

Anyway, until next time...

Aurevoir, mes amigos!

K x

Wednesday 13 October 2010

first posty ;)

Okay, so... Hey!

I heard some random people talking about blogs earlier, and since about ten minutes ago I got more than a little bored... Here I am. Posting something on my newly created random blog, haha.

There's probably about ten million important things I could be doing right now, but to be quite honest, I can't be arsed. Had P.E today and managed to fuck up my right knee, so now it's yelling at me to sit on my butt and do nothing. Which is absolutely fantastic.

I really need to decide what subjects I'm going to take for A-level, as it's time to start getting my applications and shit sorted. Eeesh. I'd rather puke than think too hard about that stuff. Two more years at some hell-hole 6th form college studying crap subjects in order to get a tiny bit more money later in life when I actually get a job.


Peace out,
K x