Saturday 22 January 2011


At long frickin' last! Halle-bloody-lujah.

I plan to go swimming, and do nowt else. Because y'know what? I can't be arsed. :D

Anyways, not got much shit to update y'all about. My exams are over for now, and I get results in March.. God help me. Also, back on my exercise/food craze. Butt needs toning for summmmmmeeerrrrrrrr, baby.

Hell yes, summer 2011 is going to ROCK. I'll be done with school, it'll be my birthday - WAHOO - and hopefully, it's going to be hot. Don't think my rentals plan on booking any holidays because of the shit going on, so... yeah. First summer EVER at home.

And, it's gonna be wild. Because I said so.

And... y'know. Loads of my mates also have birthdays in the summer. And, y'know... they all have really nice houses. With tennis courts. And peacocks for pets. FML, why can't I have a peacock?

They're just too damn rich, but I aint complaining - That's why I love summer.

AND. IT'S. PROM. Ahhh. Dresses, make-up & hair, oh my! I'm on both the prom committee and the yearbook committee, and we literally organise everything - so it's gonna be perfect. Because I have perfectionist friends who are all far to good at planning shit for it to be a disaster, & also we've already booked an awesome venue - can't say names, obviously, but it's SEXY. And posh. And it's gonna be extremely formal and gorgeous.. until people's music choices hit, then it'll just turn mad. Haaaaaaa.

Gawd, I sound like a stuck-up twat.

Haha. :L

Chillax dudes,
K x

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