Sunday 16 January 2011

127 Hours

I am actually shitting myself about my Chem exam tomorrow... The unit we're being tested on is a bitch, and I don't understand it. In order to answer stuff I have to understand it first, so... Basically I'm screwed. I wish I'd given myself more time to revise now, but I only realised late on that I had to redo so much. Ugh. FML.

Atleast I've got art fourth period - if I live that long that is. Itching to work on my canvas more, I love it.

Hmm, what else before I go.. Went to watch 127 Hours today. It kind of made me think alot about just how strong our survival instinct is as humans. We say we'd never do certain things, but when the other option is death, most of us would do a hell of a lot. The film also shined a light on how resillient we can be. It was definitely worth watching.

Also, note; if you're reading this - you know who you are, dude - I'm really sorry about how shit has gone recently. My exams and stuff that's happened has stirred up a right shit storm of the major kind. We'll figure it out though, we always do.

Take care,
K x

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