Friday 14 January 2011


A in English, A in Chemistry.


Fuck you -insert chem teachers name-, FUCK YOUUU! Ha. Haaaaaa. SMD.

Okay, immature yelling session/rant over. Basically, I'm well chuffed & my darling family members are well proud - so proud that they want to celebrate. Me and my mum are gonna have some girly time at the cinema; we're gonna watch the newest narnia. I've already seen it, but it was SO awesome and mum hasn't watched it yet.. so it doesn't matter.

AHHHHHH. Relief. Mega. Fucking. Relief.

Biology exam went well; I'd done the whole last question on the paper only a few hours before on a past paper. I practically still had the mark scheme memorised. It made my day, to be honest. The force was with me. For once.

Only sucky thing is I had a dirty text issue with someone earlier (needless to say, they got an almighty butt-kicking and were also told where to shove it), and I've still got two exams to go. Chemistry & physics.

The hardest fucking subjects known to man-kind.

Gimme maths; quadratics, trigonometry, probability - fine.
Gimme english; essays on Shakespeare, prose and poetry - fine.
Gimme art; analysis, painting a huge mofo canvas in less than two weeks - fine.
Gimme geography; research, primary/secondary data, graphs, manipulating figures - fine.

But chem/physics? I'm lost.

I can't tell you what a fucking moment is, convex/concave lenses give me headaches, and don't even get me started on how the periodic table was developed. Just no.

Next week, I may actually die.

May the force be with you, nerdlings.
K x

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