Saturday 15 January 2011



1.) You must write 10 facts about yourself. And those facts can be about anything--Hobbies, random things, your personal life, your not-so-personal-life.
2.) The facts CANNOT be "I don't know what to put now lol" or anything among those lines that would be a place holder. Take some time and think about it.
3.) Title this "10 Facts about ____" and tag as many (or as little) people as you want. Those people must do it.


1) I'm a pescatarian - I eat fish, but I don't eat meat.

2) I'm still in full time education; next year I'm going on to study for my A-Levels at either SJD's or T.C.H.S 6th Form. I'm going to take mathematics, psychology, biology and English literature. 

3) I own a chocolate Labrador named Winston, and two Roborovski dwarf hamsters named Romeo & Marley. I'm convinced the hamsters are gay. 

4) My least favourite part of the human anatomy to draw is probably the hands. They piss me off like nothing else, and they give me serious art-rage. Urghhh.

5) My bedroom is painted a colour called 'Snowfall'. I swear this colour is the antidote to my art-rage.

6) I have a small callous on my right ring finger - I'm right handed, and since I'm permanently sketching/writing/painting etc., I've now got a mark to prove it. I kind of like it; it shows more of who I am to the people around me.

7) I've never died my hair. One, because I like my natural colour (dark auburn brown verging on ginger), and Two, it ruins your hair, and Three, regrowth looks god awful.

8) Instead of killing spiders, like I used to, I now trap them under cups and let them out through the nearest window. It's helped me get over my arachnophobia. 

9) I believe 'The Vampire Diaries' has the best possible play list in the history of TV shows. All of the tracks recently added to my iTunes were ones I first heard while watching the show.

10) I'm an optimist. I believe when you're feeling shit, you could always feel shitter. The sky's the limit, the world isn't going to end in 2012, and 'you don't apply, you don't achieve' is my motto. Also, self inflicted pain makes me want to vom. This is 2011; we're no longer Neanderthal's, so stop acting like them. Hard work + determination + self belief= success. 

There. That's me, in a nut shell. A very small nut shell. 

K x

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