Thursday 18 November 2010


A human needs three things; oxygen, food, water. 

That's it. Well, technically. That's what a human needs to exist at the most basic level anyway. They're machines; their bodies repeating the same processes day in day out for their entire lives. They all breathe, respire, blah blah blah. 

That's where the simplicity ends though. After that it gets very complicated. The choices each individual makes every day set them apart from everyone else, so that just like their DNA, they are truly unique.

Some choices are simple. What colour socks should they wear? Which cereal should they eat for breakfast? Should they leave the cat out?

But of course, some choices are the total opposite. Should they confront the boyfriend who was recently found snorting cocaine about his addiction? What should they study at university, if they go to university at all? Should they take their dog to the vets to have it put down since it was diagnosed with lung cancer?

And then there's the emotions.

Love. Hate. Loneliness. Anger. Jealousy. Spite. Anxiety. Joy. Happiness. Confusion. Sorrow. Pride. Courage. Disgrace. Shame. Humiliation. Curiosity. Hope. Horror. Surprise. Wonder. Envy. Gratitude. Euphoria. Frustration. Guilt. Desire. Contempt. Disappointment. Grief. Affection. Lust. Rage. Regret. Remorse.

Often they're all mixed up, tangled and interwoven. 

It's these emotions that lead to discussions, which lead to arguments, which lead to violence...which leads to war. And everyone knows what war leads to; Death.

You could remove the emotions, the decisions and choices. You could strip every single living human being of their identity, white wash them with paint. Rid them of their uniqueness. Take away their personalities and feelings.
Doing all of this would indeed save them from their ultimate self-destruction. Because, inevitably, that is what will happen.

But why? There's no point. Either way, the human race would be destroyed.

Remove their identity, saving them from themselves; they might as well not exist. 

Leave them be; they'll destroy themselves anyway. Then they really won't exist.

It's an interesting conundrum.

Perhaps you should decide which ending is better yourself.

I've already chosen.

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