Sunday 21 November 2010

le bonheur

It's Monday again tomorrow! Wahoo. 

It's going to be a busy week for me I guess; I've got loads of mocks (including art, geography and maths), it's Citizenship day tomorrow (ohhh the joys), going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 with the other seniors straight after school on tuesday, and uhmm... uhmm... well, yeah. There's more stuff going on but I seem to have forgotten, which is immensely helpful. 


...Not. Well, apart from the Harry Potter bit, haha.

Also, GOOD NEWS! I got a letter back from Sir John Deanes asking me to go for an interview at the college to discuss my subject choices. Insert Mini-spasticated-happy-dance here! I just hope all goes well. The interview is the week after next, on Thursday 2nd December, so... it's not exactly long off. 

Eeeeeeeep. Happy! Happy happy happy days, guys. S'all going good for me right now, really good.

Only bad thing is that I've eaten too many cookies, and I feel well sick now. Oopsie. It's my Mother's fault, she left the tin open on the side...

Life is good,
K x

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