Saturday 5 February 2011


Seems like I'm obsessed with painting right now. On Thursday night I sat and painted a raspberry (I kid you not), and last night I painted a girl wearing a Dia de los Muertos mask (for the dumb asses who don't know what that is - mexican festival, 'day of the dead').

My brother walked into my room, stared at the painting on my easel and said; 'That's fucking creepy. Amazing, but creepy." Yup. It really is creepy, it's the creepiest thing I've painted. Maybe.

The raspberry my mum loves, after she saw it she gave me permission to paint on my walls. Like, literally... Paint my bedroom walls with whatever the hell I felt like. I was like, 'WOW. Have you been smoking?' But no, she hadn't, so it's official... I HAVE PERMISSION TO DOODLE ON MY WALLS.

Hell to the yes.

I do love that raspberry painting though, it's my favourite right now. The Dia de los Muertos girl scares me, even though I love her hair - tried a different technique while painting it and it came out awesome. Her face looks too real though, which is why she's creepy.

Ahhh well.

Off to see the Wizard of Oz. Woooooo. (Joke, I've got fuck all to do).
Koralyn x

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