Wednesday 9 February 2011

iambic pentameter

Yes, I know. It's a term used in poetry. I just love the way it sounds, so I'm using it as a title... because I'm cool like that.

Today we had to book appointments with the subject teachers we wish to see on the 6th form info evening at my school. Of course, it was like... I don't know. A massacre? Something like that, anyway. It was complete and utter madness.

BUT, being the ninja I am, I got 5 appointments all within an hour. Admittedly, I came out of that hall feeling pretty damn bad-ass.

Anyway, just thought I'd post 'cos y'know... got a spare five minutes, nothing to fill it with, etc.

Also, I watched My Sisters Keeper last night. It's the saddest film I have ever watched, but totally worth while the tears and tissues you go through while watching it. It's an amazing film.

Jesus, one of these days I'm going to watch something a bit more cheery. I promise. About to watch Black Swan again in a minute, should be fun - don't know if I've mentioned it before, but it's an awesome film. A little disturbing and twisted in places, but otherwise brilliant. The main actress, Natalie Portman, totally deserves Best Actress award for her performance.

I still have to go and watch Tangled. Blehh. Instead I've got to spend my saturday night with the grandrentals, having a meal out to celebrate my dads birthday. Oh the joys. Let's hope I survive, eh?

Koralyn x

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