Sunday 6 February 2011


I think for like, the first time ever... my Dad is noticing my artwork. He comes to see me for a chat every night before he goes bed, and these days there's always something on my desk or easel, which inevitably he sees. I'm used to my mum and my brother complimenting my work, but my dad never really has. Not because he's doing it on purpose, but because I never really show it to people.. my mum and brother actively ask to see it.

Just a few minutes ago he walked through my door and stopped, staring at my easel. Then he said; 'God, that's good. You really are good, aren't you?'

Putting it simply, I was kinda gob-smacked. It was kind of a huge compliment, especially to hear from him.

It's slowly becoming a common thing, my family coming into my room at odd times to see what I'm working on - because I'm always working on something, haha. I guess apart from writing on here and working out, drawing is the only other way I work out my feelings.

The piece my dad commented on is a painting of an eye, done in watercolour and acrylic in my huge sketchpad. I know, I know, I should use canvas...but I couldn't be arsed digging one up. My mum thinks its a sad, lonely thing to look at. It is, I guess, but it was meant to be. The eye has a single tear dripping from it, which I guess is what connotes the loneliness and sadness.

I named it 'Chemical Tears', partly because of the colours I used - black, purple, red, green, white - and partly because of the meaning behind it, which I haven't told anyone and I don't really plan to.

I'll get some photos up some day of my art work, so you can see.

I'm going through a weird phase at the moment. I don't really care if it fades or not to be honest.

Oh, before I forget... listen to these. Please.

He has the most amazing voice ever. I'm currently cramming my iPod full of his music, haha.


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