Friday 4 March 2011


Howdy-do-dar, guys!

Little notice - dropped three pounds through my minor diet efforts. Ha, fail. It's still a certain degree of success though, and my ass is a little smaller, so s'all good. If I put my back into it - like last time - I could lose a stone, I guess. It's only 11 more pounds. But then again, mother hates it if I get near to looking like a stick, so.. yeah.

Half a stone. She might not mind that.

My prom is on the 24th of June - SQUEAL - and my mum's agreed to go prom dress shopping tomorrow, which should be awesome. I want a long dress preferably, and only strapless if I can find a decent strapless bra otherwise HELL NO. Asking for trouble.

Gonna go with deep purple/blue, or maybe something like a cappuccino colour? Something that suits my skin tone, anyway, and set's off my hair. I'm pale with auburn (my mum would be screaming IT'S ALMOST GINGER right now) hair. Kill me now, haaaa.

The prom committee has split into groups to deal with separate areas of the grand shinanigan. I'm sorting out the music with L and a few others, which works out awesome for me. 1) I'm a music nut, and 2) it means I can stop the chav's from playing non-stop Dubstep. We're having a mix of everything, from ABBA to Jessie J, from The Beatles to Eminem & Rihanna. It shall be legendary.

Oh. I also put in Crazy Frog, just to piss everyone off a TAD. Mwahahaaa, me and L shall be hiding at that point in time.

I'm also going to get my make-up done by Mac (£25 for the appointment, aint too bad), my nails done (aint sorted that yet) and my hair - not sure if mum's doing it (she's a hairdresser) or if I'm going to a salon. I know I'm having it up though, hehe.

A fake tan could be on the cards as long as it's guaranteed not to come out looking like I'm from the local curry shop.

Laters, innit.
K x

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