Tuesday 1 March 2011

40 Days

40 days left of school. 40 days to sort my shit out and finish everything.

Yep, I'm screwed.

On another note, I haven't posted here for ages so I thought I'd write something. Mainly for my own mental health of course, since in no way is this beneficial to anyone else out there.

My mum is really into the whole 'sell our house' idea. Our next door neighbours just sold their house for £305,000... so yeah, she's extremely into selling it. She wants to split the money, split from Dad, and buy her own place somewhere else (which'll probably be chav-ville 'cos something like £150,000 won't buy anything in any of the areas round here) with her new dude.

Okay, I made it sound brutal there. Her new dude is awesome, and he's really great. It really isn't all that bad. And I can see the advantages of moving and not having a mortgage, etc, etc. It's just going to be weird, and new, and... I don't know. Strange doesn't seem to quite describe it.

So yeah, I could be moving house soon. Which is fucking crazy to be honest.

And through all the madness, one question sticks in my head; HOW THE FUCK DO WE MOVE MY AQUARIUM?

HAAAA. Nice problem we've got there.

Good luck figuring that one out, people.

Aufedersehen, or however you spell it.
Good night, peace out, chillax.
Smoke weed?
K x

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