Friday 18 February 2011

I Need to Know

"Feel so far away,
Want to see your face,
Are you even there?
Can you show me?
Can you make me believe?

I need to know."

Monday 14 February 2011

Saturday 12 February 2011

city of ashes

"Some guys look at you like they only want sex. Jace looks at you like you've had sex - it was great and now you're just friends. Drives girls crazy. Know what I mean?" Yes. Clary thought. "No." Clary said." 
 Cassandra Clare (City of Ashes)

"I don't hate you, Jace."
"I don't hate you, either."
She looked up at him, relieved. "I'm glad to hear that—"
"I wish I could hate you," he said. His voice was light, his mouth curved in an unconcerned half smile, his eyes sick with misery. "I want to hate you. I try to hate you. It would be so much easier if I did hate you. Sometimes I think I do hate you and then I see you and I—"
Her hands had grown numb with their grip on the blanket. "And you what?"
"What do you think?" Jace shook his head. "Why should I tell you everything
about how I feel when you never tell me anything? It's like banging my head on a
wall, except at least if I were banging my head on a wall, I'd be able to make myself stop."
Clary's lips were trembling so violently that she found it hard to speak. "Do you think it's easy for me?" she demanded."
— Cassandra Clare (City of Ashes)

"You disappear so completely into your head sometimes," he said. "I wish I could follow you."
— Cassandra Clare (City of Ashes)


"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. " - Atticus Finch
 Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird)

Wednesday 9 February 2011

iambic pentameter

Yes, I know. It's a term used in poetry. I just love the way it sounds, so I'm using it as a title... because I'm cool like that.

Today we had to book appointments with the subject teachers we wish to see on the 6th form info evening at my school. Of course, it was like... I don't know. A massacre? Something like that, anyway. It was complete and utter madness.

BUT, being the ninja I am, I got 5 appointments all within an hour. Admittedly, I came out of that hall feeling pretty damn bad-ass.

Anyway, just thought I'd post 'cos y'know... got a spare five minutes, nothing to fill it with, etc.

Also, I watched My Sisters Keeper last night. It's the saddest film I have ever watched, but totally worth while the tears and tissues you go through while watching it. It's an amazing film.

Jesus, one of these days I'm going to watch something a bit more cheery. I promise. About to watch Black Swan again in a minute, should be fun - don't know if I've mentioned it before, but it's an awesome film. A little disturbing and twisted in places, but otherwise brilliant. The main actress, Natalie Portman, totally deserves Best Actress award for her performance.

I still have to go and watch Tangled. Blehh. Instead I've got to spend my saturday night with the grandrentals, having a meal out to celebrate my dads birthday. Oh the joys. Let's hope I survive, eh?

Koralyn x

Sunday 6 February 2011


I think for like, the first time ever... my Dad is noticing my artwork. He comes to see me for a chat every night before he goes bed, and these days there's always something on my desk or easel, which inevitably he sees. I'm used to my mum and my brother complimenting my work, but my dad never really has. Not because he's doing it on purpose, but because I never really show it to people.. my mum and brother actively ask to see it.

Just a few minutes ago he walked through my door and stopped, staring at my easel. Then he said; 'God, that's good. You really are good, aren't you?'

Putting it simply, I was kinda gob-smacked. It was kind of a huge compliment, especially to hear from him.

It's slowly becoming a common thing, my family coming into my room at odd times to see what I'm working on - because I'm always working on something, haha. I guess apart from writing on here and working out, drawing is the only other way I work out my feelings.

The piece my dad commented on is a painting of an eye, done in watercolour and acrylic in my huge sketchpad. I know, I know, I should use canvas...but I couldn't be arsed digging one up. My mum thinks its a sad, lonely thing to look at. It is, I guess, but it was meant to be. The eye has a single tear dripping from it, which I guess is what connotes the loneliness and sadness.

I named it 'Chemical Tears', partly because of the colours I used - black, purple, red, green, white - and partly because of the meaning behind it, which I haven't told anyone and I don't really plan to.

I'll get some photos up some day of my art work, so you can see.

I'm going through a weird phase at the moment. I don't really care if it fades or not to be honest.

Oh, before I forget... listen to these. Please.

He has the most amazing voice ever. I'm currently cramming my iPod full of his music, haha.


Saturday 5 February 2011


Seems like I'm obsessed with painting right now. On Thursday night I sat and painted a raspberry (I kid you not), and last night I painted a girl wearing a Dia de los Muertos mask (for the dumb asses who don't know what that is - mexican festival, 'day of the dead').

My brother walked into my room, stared at the painting on my easel and said; 'That's fucking creepy. Amazing, but creepy." Yup. It really is creepy, it's the creepiest thing I've painted. Maybe.

The raspberry my mum loves, after she saw it she gave me permission to paint on my walls. Like, literally... Paint my bedroom walls with whatever the hell I felt like. I was like, 'WOW. Have you been smoking?' But no, she hadn't, so it's official... I HAVE PERMISSION TO DOODLE ON MY WALLS.

Hell to the yes.

I do love that raspberry painting though, it's my favourite right now. The Dia de los Muertos girl scares me, even though I love her hair - tried a different technique while painting it and it came out awesome. Her face looks too real though, which is why she's creepy.

Ahhh well.

Off to see the Wizard of Oz. Woooooo. (Joke, I've got fuck all to do).
Koralyn x